
Maeng Da dark Green - Kratom 25 gram

Item 10 of 24
€ 12,50 € 7,50 (including VAT)

Maeng Da Kratom is a very good quality Kratom. Even at low doses it has a very strong energetic effect. At high doses, it is more of a sedative.

Several user reviews nominate Super Green Malay as an unparalleled strain of Kratom. Kratom has a general sedative, antipyretic, analgesic and stress management effect caused by similar alkaloids shared by all of its species. But what makes Super Green Malay different from the others is the potential of the respective strains. These results are obtained from any Kratom strain, but in low, moderate and high amounts.

Super Green Malay is a premium twist and works for the best results in the minimum amount, making it efficient. It is a real energy booster that strengthens both the body and the brain. It helps to improve focus and concentration. It works against all kinds of pain, even muscle and joint pain. It reduces stress levels, heals insomnia, improves mood and relaxes the body. Overall, it supports immunity and improves a user's health status.

The correct dose of Super Green
The dosage of a Kratom strain determines its long-term effects and effectiveness. For Super Green Malay, because the effects are so much too high, the dose condition for a healthy adult person is no more than 3 grams. 1 gram is the least amount that can initiate the effects. According to the health status, the volume can be increased to a maximum of 10 mg which is only suggested in extreme medical conditions. The effects are slow but last a long time and these effects are great than any other strain of Kratom. It is used in drinks and food recipes as the powder. Capsule supplements, however, are also a trending way to use them.

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Specification Description
Weight 0,1 Kg

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