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  • Kanna ET2 + 50x Extract 1 gram
    Kanna ET2 + 50x Extract 1 gram

    Kanna ET2 + 50x Extract 1 gram

    Kanna (Sceletium tortuosum) ET2 extract is ideal as a snuff for an extra strong and fast-acting euphoric effect.

    This extract is more concentrated, which makes this variant much more powerful than…

    € 25,00
  • Kanna Smokers Cut - 5 Gram
    Kanna Smokers Cut - 5 Gram

    Sceletium Tortuosum (Kanna, Kougoed)

    Kanna (Sceletium tortuosum), also called Kauwgoed, Channa, or Kougoed, is a South Africa-based fertility plant known for its psychoactive and antidepressant activity. The plant has been used…

    € 4,95

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