Terpenes and Aromas
- The Cheese Aroma Aroma 1ML
The Cheese Aroma Aroma 1ML
The terpenes are extracted and processed in a 100% natural way. Ideal for flavoring and adding flavor to herbal extracts, resins and oils, as well as to all types of e-liquid evaporators and electronic…€ 19,95 - Cali Terpenes Amnesia Terpenes (1ml)
The terpenes are extracted and processed in a 100% natural way. Ideal for aromatizing and adding flavor to herbal extracts, resins and oils, as well as all types of e-liquid vaporizers and electronic cigarettes. They also act as a…
€ 25,00 - Cali Terpenes Super Lemon Haze Terpenes (1ml)
The terpenes are extracted and processed in a 100% natural way. Ideal for aromatizing and adding flavor to herbal extracts, resins and oils, as well as all types of e-liquid vaporizers and electronic cigarettes. They also act as a…
€ 25,00 - Cali Terpenes Sweet Tooth Terpenes (1ml)
The terpenes are extracted and processed in a 100% natural way. Ideal for aromatizing and adding flavor to herbal extracts, resins and oils, as well as to all types of e-liquid vaporizers and electronic cigarettes. They also act…
€ 25,00 - Cali Terpenes Orange Turbo Terpenes (1ml)
The terpenes are extracted and processed in a 100% natural way. Ideal for aromatizing and adding flavor to herbal extracts, resins and oils, as well as to all types of e-liquid vaporizers and electronic cigarettes. They also act…
€ 25,00 - Cali Terpenes Furious Candy Terpenes (1ml)
The terpenes are extracted and processed in a 100% natural way. Ideal for aromatizing and adding flavor to herbal extracts, resins and oils, as well as to all types of e-liquid vaporizers and electronic cigarettes. They also act…
€ 25,00 - Cali Terpenes Critical Jack Terpenes (1ml
The terpenes are extracted and processed in a 100% natural way. Ideal for aromatizing and adding flavor to herbal extracts, resins and oils, as well as to all types of e-liquid vaporizers and electronic cigarettes. They also act…
€ 25,00 - Cali Terpenes Spray Gorilla Glue Terpenes (5ml)
The terpenes are extracted and processed in a 100% natural way. Ideal for aromatizing and adding flavor to herbal extracts, resins and oils, as well as to all types of e-liquid vaporizers and electronic cigarettes. They also act…
€ 109,95